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Taste the Difference: Handmade, Artisanal Baked Goods.


To 澳洲幸运5 the Bakery of Flesherton


The Bakery of Flesherton offers a wide variety of pastries, cakes, and other desserts. From classic pies to creative custom creations, you can find something for everyone here. Our staff takes pride in their work and will make sure that each item is made perfectly with the freshest ingredients. And of course, the renown cinnamon buns are always a must-try! Visitors love to try new flavors such as apple cream cheese cinnamon buns or blueberry crumble muffins. Each treat is prepared with care and attention to detail – so you know it’ll be delicious every time! Whether you’re visiting for a quick snack or planning your next special occasion — The Bakery of Flesherton should be at the top of your list.


Breads & Pastries

At our bakery, we take great pride in baking our breads and pastries fresh daily. Our bakers start early each morning, carefully mixing and kneading the dough and selecting only the freshest ingredients to create baked goods that are not only delicious but also visually stunning. From classic crusty baguettes to fluffy cinnamon rolls, each bread and pastry is baked to perfection, creating a warm and inviting aroma that fills the bakery. Our commitment to daily baking ensures that our customers are always able to enjoy the freshest and most delicious breads and pastries possible. Whether you’re in the mood for something sweet or savory, you can be confident that when you choose one of our baked goods, you’re getting the best of the best.

Butter Tart
Flesherton Bakery

“Bread is the king of the table and all else is merely the court that surrounds the king.”

Louis Bromfield

Order online and pick up


To make it easy for you to enjoy our baked goods, we offer the option to order online and pick up your order at the bakery. Simply select the items you would like, place your order, and then pick it up at the bakery at a time that is convenient for you.

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